Welcome to our Site! Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Who We Are
“Spread the message of God’s love to our community through WORDS and ACTION.”
Worship style: Somewhat informal
Dress: Clothing - wear some! Seriously, most people dress somewhat casually.
What to expect: Friendly faces and a warm welcome.
Children in Church
We believe that children are a vital part of the "church of today". As such, they are welcome at all services. You may see them help with the offering or other parts of worship. A children's message is given by one of our leaders each week.
A one-room Sunday School class is offered during the Sunday School hour.
New Hope UMC at 10 AM, Sunday School at 9:15 AM
Located at 3459 AL Highway 79S
Scottsboro, AL35769
Online Sunday Worship:
Facebook Live at 9:30 AM.
Facebook Live - Midweek Prayer and Devotional - 6:30PM
Latest News
We continue to monitor the COVID-19 virus in our area. At this time, masks are optional, and social distancing will be recommended. Hand sanitizer stations are set up at entries and we ask that you sanitize your hands as you come and go.
You can show kindness to our neighbors by sharing non-perishable grocery items in the BLESSING BOXES which are located at the front of each church building under the covered awning.
We invite to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special events and schedules
Pastoral Family
We are pleased to introduce you to our Pastoral family: Donna King has served as Pastor of the Hollis and New Hope United Methodist Churches since September, 1993. Her husband, Gary, is an important partner in the ministry, although he prefers to work in the background.